Teya Salat

Children in a Wedding

Having children in your wedding? Here are some hints to make things go just a bit smoother...

If they cannot walk the length of the aisle on their own, they may not make it even with help. Think long and hard before inviting a toddler to toddler your rings down the aisle. It might stop being cute after 5 minutes.

wedding_5Explain to the children exactly what will be expected of them - many times!

Let the children have a say in what they are wearing. They'll look much better with a big smile!

Sit the children's parents near the front of the church or hall. Having mom and dad at the "goal line" will help the child in the right direction. it will also help during the ceremony of the children need to sit with mom or dad.

Remember that the hectic pace of pre-wedding may be confusing and overwhelming to a child. It may help to bring a favorite toy, colouring books, music etc.

When giving a gift to a child, remember the child is still a kid. They might value a hug and a stuffed bride bear over an expensive engraved frame.

Consider everything that might go wrong- then you won't be surprised. Children break thing so make sure they are not in position to break anything of sentimental value or expensive inventory . This may include crying, heading in the wrong direction, stopping to talk while walking down the aisle, dropping whatever they are holding, falling...

Let those children have some fun!